Artificial Intelligence Network Ingolstadt gGmbH
The Artificial Intelligence Network Ingolstadt gGmbH (AININ) was founded at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt beginning of April 2019. Seven partners from science, business and community have joined AININ to research cutting-edge topics in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
AININ aims to transfer the generated research results into socially relevant products and production methods and subsequently into the establishment of new companies. In addition, fundamental research also investigates the social effects of AI technologies and makes them available to the public as part of transfer activities.
Research Areas
AININ deals with research questions on the use of AI in four areas: trade, health, production and mobility. The various perspectives from science, business and society that come together in the process are intended to promote creative and interdisciplinary approaches and make AI solutions from one subject area quickly transferable to other areas.
Transfer & Network
AININ is part of a Bavarian network of various AI activities carried out in Amberg-Weiden, Augsburg, Bayreuth, Erlangen, Ingolstadt, Munich and Würzburg. The aim of this close cooperation is to combine newly established research capabilities with existing institutions and competencies and to link AI research at universities and non-university research institutions into a successful competence network on a long-term and sustainable basis.

About us
AININ is a non-profit organization for the coordination, promotion and execution of applied research and basic research in the field of information technology with a focus on the topics of artificial intelligence and machine learning, including the free transfer of knowledge to interested companies, research institutions and individuals.
Organizational units:
• the shareholders‘ meeting,
• the Subvisory Board,
• management and
• scientific advisory board.
The scientific directors of AININ at THI are Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Botsch, Prof. Dr. Alexis Fritz and Prof. Dr. Christian Stummeyer. The administrative manager of AININ is Dr. Christian Lösel.
Supervisory Board
• Prof. Dr. Walter Schober (President of the TH Ingolstadt)
• Dr. Reinhard Brandl (Member of the German Federal Parliaments)
• Christian Müller (Chancellor of the TH Ingolstadt)
• Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Hof (Vice-President of the TH Ingolstadt)
• Dr. Andreas Tiete (Managing Director Clinic Ingolstadt GmbH)
• Thomas Kleemann (Head of Information Technology department at Clinic Ingolstadt GmbH)
• Christian Stephan (Head of Innovation Research in Digital Strategy & Transformation at MediaMarktSaturn N3XT GmbH)
• Dr. Siegfried Schmidtner (Head of Product Engineering at AUDI AG)
• Dr. Christian Scharpf (Mayor of the City of Ingolstadt)
• Prof. Dr. Jens Hogreve (Vice President for research and junior researchers at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
• Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld (Executive Board Economic Development and Digitalisation at IFG Ingolstadt AöR)

Expert forum: AI research in Ingolstadt
Expert forum on the topic of „AI research in Ingolstadt“, 12.05.2022 at the Existenzgründerzentrum Ingolstadt

International AI Science Week at the THI
AI thought globally, locally and network orientated – German-Brazilian Science Week from 15 – 19.11.2021
Contact Persons

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Botsch
Scientific Director AININ
tel. +49 841 9348-2721

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Christian Stummeyer
Scientific Director AININ
tel. +49 841 9348-3444

Prof. Dr. Alexis Fritz
Scientific Director AININ
tel. +49 8421 93-21191

Dr. Christian Lösel
Managing Director AININ
tel. +49 841 9348-1113
Artificial Intelligence
Network Ingolstadt gGmbH
Esplanade 10
85049 Ingolstadt
Represented by:
Philipp Hecht
Telephone: +49 (841) 9348 -2170
Registration in the commercial register
Register court: Amtsgericht Ingolstadt
Registration number: HRB 9128
Tax number: 9124/147/01165
Artificial Intelligence Network Ingolstadt gGmbH
The Artificial Intelligence Network Ingolstadt gGmbH (AININ) was founded at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt beginning of April 2019. Seven partners from science, business and community have joined AININ to research cutting-edge topics in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
AININ aims to transfer the generated research results into socially relevant products and production methods and subsequently into the establishment of new companies. In addition, fundamental research also investigates the social effects of AI technologies and makes them available to the public as part of transfer activities.
Research Areas
AININ deals with research questions on the use of AI in four areas: trade, health, production and mobility. The various perspectives from science, business and society that come together in the process are intended to promote creative and interdisciplinary approaches and make AI solutions from one subject area quickly transferable to other areas.
Transfer & Network
AININ is part of a Bavarian network of various AI activities carried out in Amberg-Weiden, Augsburg, Bayreuth, Erlangen, Ingolstadt, Munich and Würzburg. The aim of this close cooperation is to combine newly established research capabilities with existing institutions and competencies and to link AI research at universities and non-university research institutions into a successful competence network on a long-term and sustainable basis.

About us
AININ is a non-profit organization for the coordination, promotion and execution of applied research and basic research in the field of information technology with a focus on the topics of artificial intelligence and machine learning, including the free transfer of knowledge to interested companies, research institutions and individuals.
Organizational units:
• the shareholders‘ meeting,
• the Subvisory Board,
• management and
• scientific advisory board.
The scientific directors of AININ at THI are Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Botsch, Prof. Dr. Alexis Fritz and Prof. Dr. Christian Stummeyer. The administrative manager of AININ is Philipp Hecht.
Supervisory Board
• Prof. Dr. Walter Schober (President of the TH Ingolstadt)
• Dr. Reinhard Brandl (Member of the German Federal Parliaments)
• Christian Müller (Chancellor of the TH Ingolstadt)
• Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Hof (Vice-President of the TH Ingolstadt)
• Dr. Andreas Tiete (Managing Director Clinic Ingolstadt GmbH)
• Thomas Kleemann (Head of Information Technology department at Clinic Ingolstadt GmbH)
• Christian Stephan (Head of Innovation Research in Digital Strategy & Transformation at MediaMarktSaturn N3XT GmbH)
• Dr. Siegfried Schmidtner (Head of Product Engineering at AUDI AG)
• Dr. Christian Scharpf (Mayor of the City of Ingolstadt)
• Prof. Dr. Jens Hogreve (Vice President for research and junior researchers at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
• Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld (Executive Board Economic Development and Digitalisation at IFG Ingolstadt AöR)

Expert forum: AI research in Ingolstadt
Expert forum on the topic of „AI research in Ingolstadt“, 12.05.2022 at the Existenzgründerzentrum Ingolstadt

International AI Science Week at the THI
AI thought globally, locally and network orientated – German-Brazilian Science Week from 15 – 19.11.2021
Contact Persons

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Botsch
Scientific Director AININ
tel. +49 841 9348-2721

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Christian Stummeyer
Scientific Director AININ
tel. +49 841 9348-3444

Prof. Dr. Alexis Fritz
Scientific Director AININ
tel. +49 8421 93-21191

Dr. Christian Lösel
Managing Director AININ
tel. +49 841 9348-1113
Artificial Intelligence
Network Ingolstadt gGmbH
Esplanade 10
85049 Ingolstadt
Represented by:
Philipp Hecht
Telephone: +49 (841) 9348 -2170
Registration in the commercial register
Register court: Amtsgericht Ingolstadt
Registration number: HRB 9128
Tax number: 9124/147/01165