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AI thought globally, locally and network orientated – German-Brazilian Science Week from 15 – 19.11.2021

Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important in almost all areas of life. Examples of this are autonomous driving vehicles, algorithms in medicine that recognise types of cancer in a fraction of a second or the dynamic adjustment of a price, depending on the customer, in retail. What people are interested in today is: How will we live tomorrow? What will artificial intelligence (AI) do to us or we to it?

The project addresses different questions, expectations and also answers around the topic of AI during the international AI Science Week, both in a national and international context. stands for „AI – bridging science and society“. To live up to this claim, the project builds bridges between science and society as well as between regions, research and industry during AI Science Week. A total of six German and Brazilian partner institutions are involved this year: Ingolstadt University of Technology (THI), Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Artificial Intelligence Network Ingolstadt (AININ), Institutos Lactec, Bayern Innovativ and Innovationhaus São Paulo.

The AI Science Week is divided into two parts: On the one hand, there is the multi-day AI network conference, where scientists present their research activities and innovations. On the other hand, there is
on the THI campus. Laboratory tours, workshops and lectures by Brazilian and German scientists will be offered there to illustrate and bring to life the past, present and future of AI.

The events will be offered both digitally and in presence, in compliance with the 2G rule. Admission is restricted to vaccinated and recovered persons only. Please have the appropriate proof ready at the entrance. In the university area, the 3G rule applies.

Registration, programme and further information are available at: is funded by the International Research Marketing Ideas Competition as part of the „Research in Germany“ initiative. The initiative presents Germany as a location for research and innovation worldwide and creates a forum for international exchange and cooperation. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research initiated „Research in Germany“ in 2006 and is providing funding for the current project phase. The initiative is implemented jointly by the German Academic Exchange Service, the DFG, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the DLR Project Management Agency.